Do Fibroids Impact Fertility?

If you’ve been diagnosed with uterine fibroids, you may wonder how it will affect your fertility. Most women with fibroids can get pregnant without any fertility assistance. But about 10-15% of infertile women have fibroids that are the primary cause of their infertility.
At FemmPro OB/GYN, the providers have the experience to help you with complex fertility problems, including uterine fibroids. We can determine if fibroids are interfering with your ability to conceive or if there’s another reason for your challenges.
Here’s what to know about fibroids and fertility and how we can help.
What are uterine fibroids?
Uterine fibroids are noncancerous tumors that develop in the uterus and sometimes the cervix.
Fibroids can be:
- Subserosal, which are found in the outer wall of the uterus
- Intramural, which are found in the muscular layers of the uterine wall
- Submucosal, which are in the inner lining of the uterus and can protrude into the uterine cavity
How do uterine fibroids affect fertility?
The type of fibroid you have makes a difference in fertility.
Submucosal fibroids, for example, increase the risk of infertility and pregnancy loss because they distort the uterine cavity, so it’s hard for the fertilized egg to attach.
The size of your fibroids also matters. A very large fibroid greater than 6 centimeters within the wall of the uterus cavity can cause fertility problems.
Sometimes a fibroid can block the fallopian tubes, so the sperm and egg never meet. Fibroids can also change the shape of the cervix so that very few sperm can enter the uterus. The growths also change the uterus's shape, interfering with the movement of sperm or an embryo.
Does pregnancy affect fibroids?
If you have fibroids and get pregnant, it usually isn’t a cause for concern. Fibroids may grow a bit in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, but not after that. They tend to shrink by the postpartum period.
We will monitor your fibroids to make sure they don’t increase the chance of preterm birth or miscarriage. For most women, fibroids cause no issues during pregnancy.
Fibroids can change the baby's position in the uterus, increasing the risk of a breech delivery. In very rare cases, a fibroid causes pain or complications that require you to undergo surgery during pregnancy.
Do I need treatment for uterine fibroids before conceiving?
If fibroids aren’t interfering with conception, you won’t likely need treatment unless they’re particularly painful or large. Having a few small fibroids isn’t usually a cause for concern.
Let us know if you had a fibroid surgically removed before conception; it may mean you need to wait a few months before trying to conceive. Depending on the type of procedure you had to remove the fibroid, it may also affect how you deliver. For example, some women may need a cesarean section.
At FemmPro OB/GYN in Garden City, New York & North Massapequa, New York, we support your pre-pregnancy and pregnancy journey. Call one of our offices today or use the online tool to set up an appointment.
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